Exclusive Interview with Joe Marshalla Pt.1


Doctor Joe Marshalla is a Wholosopher an Introspectionist, the author of the book Repeatlessness and the producer of audio materials such as Healing Garden and Affirmations for life. His concept of Wholosophy and his introducing the law of Repeatlessness to the world has helped many people on the way to self-discovery.

There are things known to those who have chosen the path of spirit that innately makes sense within, but not necessarily to the logic of the critical, analytical left brain.

In my late teens, I had a keen interest in psychology and became fascinated in how well things turned out for me when I expressed my intentions at the start of my day. This was a short-lived experience as it seemed like spirit and science were fighting each other. ‘Is it me or is it a supreme energy outside of me making this all happen?’ I wondered. 21-12-2012 unbeknown to some, ushered in a series of unique planetary positions and energies for the first time in around 25,000 earth solar cycles. Even those who do recognise those subtle signs of the time still struggle with the emotional and very physical experiences of shedding the ego. A difficult period that made some forget that it is a gradual and not an instant dimensional shift happening within.

Today, Doctors are merging the two beliefs into one with reason and clarity, aiding those who are tickled by science and facts alone. Joe Marshalla is one such Doctor who has an incredible gift of speaking through these dimensions. I suggest you study Repeatlessness and see the range of tools available to cause your cells to also understand as well as your soul or vice versa depending on your angle. 

 In the meantime, we give you the first part of an incredible interview that we recently conducted in Hawaii with Dr. Joe Marshalla. (Via skype, we weren’t really there 🙂 


Part one:

It’s 11:34 am in London and  apparently 12:34 in the morning in Hawaii. We are given a poetic answer to the question of our guest’s geography. Joe explains his location as “I’m in Hawaii, sitting under a completely darkened sky with no moonlight, surrounded by millions of stars and looking directly into the milky way.” Joe has a way of creating bliss from…well, unfounded bliss. 

imgres UDL: The name Marshalla is strangely similar to an Arabic word ‘Marshallah’ meaning ‘Gods will’. Does it have anything to do with this?

 JM: Yes, I have been told that before, and spelled backwards it really messes with some people because backwards it’s Allah’s Ram, (laughs). So no, that name as far as I know was given to us by the INS (Immigration and Naturalization Service.)  I’m Czechoslovakian and Polish and when my grandparents came over here I guess an Italian guy was checking them in and the name went from something like Marshalchov to him saying “Ah, in America we say Marshalla”, so they Americanized it by Italianizing the name and I now know every Marshalla that exists because they all extend from my Grandma and Grandpa.

UDL: A lot of time when I hear someone’s name and I find out what it means I realize that they are just that. Do you find this with your name at all?

JM: Oh gosh yeah! I have been saying this for so many years. I mean, the Bobs and the Johns and Marys and the Cindys and the Kathys and the Lindas, there’s something about one’s name being repeated over and over that seems to possibly set some type of psychic DNA predisposition for the sound. And all the people I meet with the same names all seem very similar.

There was a period at which I actually changed my name. It was for my own healing purposes. There was so much trauma and things that were associated with the name Joe, Joey or Joseph that I wanted to eliminate those traumas being activated. I mean, someone could just say my name a certain way and for no reason at all I would feel this trauma coming over my body, like hearing a siren or something. I’d get that little shock like experience. And so I changed my name for about four or five years. There’s a whole bunch of people that know me by the name Sudeha (Soo-day-uh) and actually Swami Bodhi Sudeha that was given to me by a teacher named Osho. It was my name for a long time to many people and it really made quite a difference in my ability to heal many things.

I can relate.  I have many other names for similar reasons. I mention getting through our questions (around ten in total) without taking up too much of Joe’s time. He explains that we are not inconveniencing him at all and he appreciates the formality but this is why he’s alive so bring it on. (We all laugh)


UDL: Repeatlessness. Do you find the word brings you back to the moment? For me hearing the word, what I understand of it, is that no moment is the same and each one is unique in its own way. Recognising this opens up a whole bunch of potential for me at that moment, that’s what I get from it. Could you explain in a little more detail?

JM: Sitting within the concept of Repeatlessness, within one’s mind, one gets to experience what I call the truth. The T.R.U.T.H… which would be The Repeatless, Unknowable, Timeless, Happening. Because we know it’s fresh and new… it’s Repeatless and if it’s repeatless then it’s never happened before and it’s Unknowable. It’s Timeless because time doesn’t exist… it’s only the now emerging, more now emerging now, emerging now, emerging continuously the now emerging fresh and new… and lastly,  it certainly seems to be Happening, right?  So, T.R.U.T.H. – The Repeatless, Unknowable, Timeless, Happening.

And in experiencing the T.R.U.T.H…  when you have two or more people in that state of awareness… and every moment is fresh and new… then they get to experience P.E.A.C.E… which is People Experiencing A Conscious Existence. Continue reading

Centurions – Urban Dandy’s 100th Post

Our Hundredth Post – About Urban Dandy

Urban Dandy Truth

In the heart of the Urban Dandy is the fate and the conflict of the bohemian, to become preoccupied with the things he/she shuns – materialism and money. They must survive, after all. They mustn’t be a burden, they must contribute, they must identify and add to the chorus when injustice is uncovered.

Identifying with the downtrodden, the poor and the dandies, the human, those who won’t back down and those that capitulate under pressure. The Urban Dandy embraces the contrasts and colours that create a fully vibrant city-scape of peoples.

The eyes of the Urban Dandy look deep into the spectre of failure. The integrity of the work takes our energy, likes and hits, fame and fortune do not. It’s a slow-rise, an awakening, a connecting of voices: I hear you, you hear me…

The scope of the Urban Dandy is local and global. Big Ideas. Not anti-capitalist, or pro-socialist; not dogmatic, pro-truth. Art of word, authenticity, not glorifying poverty, glory in human beings, looking at context, our area. Not vacuous superficiality…Wholesome. You too, our ears, your thoughts. The truth you can say. Word is bond. Life in motion – Truth again.

The style of the Urban Dandy is irreverent, light, heavy…

The conversation of the Urban Dandy is theatre, art, food, spiritual practices, addiction, terrorism, refugees, interviews, spirited resistance, local businesses, local artists, local area, gentrification…

Urban Dandy is a safe refuge for words.

The Urban Dandy knows that today’s media adds as much pepper to a story as they can to gain a reaction, ultimately seeking readership. This is not us. We will go the long route and grow organically, rather than compromise our ethics. Words are important and the lips from which they departed deserve for those very words to be received exactly as they were intended.

If the Urban Dandy holds an opinion at all it will be clearly stated as our own and never merged with the words of a trusting interviewee/interlocutor. It’s possible to share an opinion but never a mouth. 


 The Truth of the Urban Dandy

My name is Truth

I have stood since times beginning

Outside the hearts of man

Waiting for the invitation

a few will let me in

I am searched for by the flawed, the weak, written about by the poor

For only in humility

Can I enter through your door

Yet I can free you from delusions, false hope and empty dreams

From the world’s chicanery

All its crazy schemes

I am the small voice in the wilderness

A whisper in the breeze

be still, quiet, listen

For with me comes liberty…



Poem by Mark Bolton

What Happens to Suspended Labour Politicians?

Hopefully not this…

The campaign against Jeremy Corbyn was in full swing long before a Labour MP shouted “Nazi apologist” in Ken Livingstone’s face on a day of apparently choreographed media attacks, aimed at distorting debate on Israel and undermining Corbyn. No sane person would believe that Corbyn harbours any antisemitic tendencies, so softer targets have been sought in order to defame the Labour leader by association.

One such target lives right here in Notting Hill. Councillor Beinazir Lasharie was libelled labelled an antisemite by media outlets such as The Sun.


What has happened to Councillor Lasharie raises questions about Labour’s approach.

In October 2015 the councillor was suspended by Labour and instructed not to talk to the press after The Sun newspaper ran a story that Lasharie had posted a video on Facebook which claimed that ISIS was created by Israel. The story was taken up by the right wing blogger Paul Staines, who goes by the moniker Guido Fawkes. Continue reading