Autumn Nights

Staring through the flames

of my inner fire

smoke filling the dark echo chamber of my soul

where whispered words

emerge as a desperate scream


What is truth?

This eerie place

without birdsong or dew

what is truth?


Slowly the heavens open

like a giant peach bursting

exposing a new dimension

torn apart like a repentant saint

rending his garments

frustrated in defeat to God’s grace


This pitiful last stand

of self-righteousness

vanquished, destroyed

Falsehood – like dross

burnt into a fine powder

blown away

by that eternal whirlwind

of revolving dust


A sandstorm to the masses

blinding what little vision they possess

deluded – beyond hope

For they did not reach in or reach out

to the almighty creator

who will cut my silk thread

where I will float above the trees

like a lost child’s baloon

looking down upon my body

Finally free – finally home…



M.C. Bolton, September 2018

Ode to Self-righteousness

Searching for a piece of solid ground

on which to make a stand

finding only slippery clay, cold wet shifting sand

nothing stable, untainted, pure

Everything corrupted

My own fine clothes exposed as rags

when the truth brutally interrupted!


Constantly falling into the abyss

outside space-time dimension

no beginning, end, finish, start

or realistic comprehension


Hating this so-fallen self

that no longer walks amongst the angels

my pitiful deluded self, against my soul it rages

hands and face like melting wax

dripping on to the keys of a pianola

Its constant tune plays sorrow’s song

as I yearn for paradise tomorrow


Still the parasites, the leeches

continue sucking at my core

the man I aspire to be

a mirage in this war

I see him in holographic dreams

awaking in sweat and terror!


The morning tormentors return once again

Pointing out my faults, my errors

Kept for perverse security

like two old cats about the place

my only fear of drowning

In God’s eternal lake of Grace….



M.C. Bolton, January 2018



Up Periscope

Another celebrity kid’s a DJ

Public schoolboy skaters

Gold-toothed alligators

Woad-covered suburban warriors

External tattood art

Masking the grey interior

Devoid of personality

Purveyors of banality

Yet searching for identity

Without Facebook indemnity

Cult of no originality

Is this our reality?


Old men rant

A Buddhist chants

The piper’s tune

Now plays High Noon

Don’t forsake me, oh! my darling

Like a flock of starlings

You follow the man playing spoons

Feeding you corn without question

Brains like foie gras

To be served upon oval platters

As a cat that pigeons scatter


Some see the truth in tatters…

Nailing our colours to its mast

So free, so free at last

Devoid of this illusion

Opaque the herd’s delusion 

Clarity in this world’s confusion

On this rock we stand

Stick writing in the sand

The words of Liberty



M.C. Bolton, October 2017



Sea of Change

The tide of my life is ebbing

exposing my true soul

that realism no longer overwhelming

but liberating, as any pretence is revealed

seeing the rocks, driftwood, plastic

the rubbish I have hidden

buried deep into the sand

realising that judgement

is only for God’s hands,

a stronger, compassionate, caring spirit

is resurrected for my fellow man

forgiveness for those that have wronged me,

so as I accept myself,

with all my peccadilloes

let me accept you also

So as the tide of love returns

washing away our guilt, our shame

enabling the bricks of truth and hope

to be cemented together

by God’s eternal grace…


M.C. Bolton, October 2017



Photo & video by TC, France, October 2017


Aisha and the Sea



Oh! Sea you are so powerful

I am so small

Waves rush past me,

like the fleeing

Gently receding, pulling sand over my toes

embedding me once more into this earth,


Innocent unpolluted air filling, cleansing my lungs

from the dark soot of pain

that clings to my soul

like limpets upon rock

for fleeting seconds

I forget that beacon of despair

it is washed from my mind,

feeling one with nature, the sea


Staring towards the horizon

reclaiming, restoring my hopes, my dreams

nightmares briefly extinguished

by this planet’s womb-like amniotic waters,

everything so perfect here

Mother smiling with her eyes

that sparkle again

twinkling like the sun’s glistening rays in the surf,


I am a child again!

No longer old before my time

Oh! Sea you are so beautiful

I am so small…


M.C. Bolton, September 2017




I’m Spartacus


Herded into the arena

bloodied by poverty’s lash

sand soft between our toes

as we march into the stadium of despair

mentally chained by our delusion of freedom,

divided into race, faith, nation, class

then pitted against each other

For our rulers’ pleasure


But many refuse to fight

Us – the truly dangerous ones

instead pointing upwards to the audience

of those that truly despise and fear us


Yet you who plunder our homes, invade our streets,

Women who tightly clutch their handbags

staring at the pavement in terror

for surely we are all vagabonds, cutthroats and thieves!

Suited men who’s bowels loosen

when passing our urban-talking youth

who defend their postcode by the same extreme violence 

that the state metes out to them with impunity,


We who are crushed on every side

surrounded by avarice and greed

by disciples of the latest fad,

drinking alfresco skinny lattes on Westbourne Grove

the need to be scenes,

our wrath slowly being squeezed

accused of sour grapes, lacking aspiration,

Yet it’s our blood that makes your wine

with which you wet your lips

as you toss us your scraps,

we who slowly devour and destroy one another,


But Spartacus is rising

resurrected like a phoenix in the flames

our sight restored by tragedy

injustice the fire that burns brightly

inside compassionate indignant hearts,

shaking those who’s God is mammon


Yet it’s not your eye of the needle wealth we wish to pillage

but your fraudulent sense of privilege, entitlement, arrogance and ignorance

hiding in your bunker-like basements

whilst above, homes, communities are destroyed


as we stare at our Stalingrad-like monument,

united under the banner of hope and faith,

love for our children will ever be our shield,

God’s wrath will be stirred

by the death of his innocent ones


Millstones will be prepared,

the sea’s depth beckons

those that hide behind their cloak of guilt

for this slaughter ignited a fury in our hearts

we’ll stand against your legions

we’ve buried our dead

but we will never let you bury the truth…




M.C. Bolton, September 2017


Grenfell – Night Thoughts



As the sweet summer breeze

blows through this petrified charcoal edifice

stirring the parched remains of the perished

inside this crematorium created by man’s greed,


We who are in temporary sleep

slowly inhaling the dust of the lost

unlike God, offering not the breath of life

Yet not forgotten, becoming part of us


Fused into our very being

scorched into our souls

as the seared conscience

of those that govern

offers no honour, shame, guilt

or Judas-like, intestine-spilling torment!

Instead scurrying like rats

under the tarpaulin of fear


Light exposing their hidden deeds of darkness

that atomized men, women and children before their time

those who’s bodies can no longer cast shadows


Your eternal flame

forever burns brightly

shining like stars

guiding both seeker and wise

along the narrow path

in their quest for the truth…



M.C. Bolton, 28th July 2017

Photo by Hugh

When love finds me again

When love finds me again

how will it feel ?

like a stream or brook

or a raging torrent

overwhelming my soul

drowning me with passion,

will it ever flow into this dormant deep lake?

So still,so dark so calm

I await your Godot like return

yet will love ever find me again?

Or pass me by like a stranger in the dark………………………..


Mark C Bolton 2013
By O-G