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Today, as I cross-examine my footprints in this puzzle they call life, I realise that problems are ‘one size fits all’ for the inhabitants of earth.

It seems that these problems are so accepted as ‘the way’ that they call it life. In the US we would explain away such complex astro-biophysical dilemmas with: shit happens. As perpetual pain is normalised until we expect nought else, I think worthy of question is that which some claim to exist: heaven, nirvana–paradise.

Being as vague as the Yeti, it laughs at man and his ongoing application for lifetime membership, rejected by his forever-acting brain as (for these banausic frames) it rides the waters of Loch Ness. As I knock on the door of (egoless) knowledge, I now see what the problem always was–it is the disconnection from source. For all the joy and pain I’ve seen, at this sensitive time underneath the cosmos, I have to insist that, my friends believe in God.

I should say ‘trust’ rather than ‘believe’ as it’s more explicit than today’s guilt-retentive, ‘Jesus campaign’ of the God salesman. But that model makes the sane depart, leaving only ‘believers’ who rarely come to ‘know’. Now, mention of such a beautiful word as God, serves the orator the same sentence as an AWOL physician who spoke against a copious pharmaceutical shield. Today, the deaf ears that this refinement falls upon can only be blamed upon the soteriological Bible seller that may not know God as well as she may think. In such cases, it’s like the bottom of the sea trying to describe the air to the land, and so the listener concludes the wind a fiction.

The truth stands as a lone pillar, as a minority in each community that it discovers. Bothered not by external support for verification, it is certainly the outcast that I choose to align with. In the words of Mark Bolton: ‘I’m Spartacus’ and it’s too late in this story to care if my ‘I’ will become a ‘we’. Seeing smoke coming from the engine, we endeavour to save the plane but being seconds from impact, all I can see is a parachute with my name on it, so maybe this scrawl is a ‘my condolences card’.

What if I told the believers that Jesus said, he ‘couldn’t make it and ordered that they go it alone’–would they blame me, trust him, or cease believing? Or would they finally become Christ the individual who, squared by just four, would change this world kerfuffle in a day? Can they not imagine a land of Christs–we can, hence our bold expression of God without apology?

Immediately my blasphemous spellchecker answers the question for them in red underlined binary, it refutes pluralisation of Christ–only ‘Godzzz’–the many god’s they utter.

But then there’s you–my friend–with your disbelief who the believers call a sinner–well isn’t that the kettle calling the pot white? You who accepts cookies from deceitful strangers, in your haste to consume with no care what, why or where, seeing no danger in the brain food that you scoff. Such worshipful, agnostic dissonance is only proof of the inner conflict from that ‘solar detachment’.

But amongst ‘they’ there are those that gno; and they know that both of these disjointed faces that claim to believe (or not) orphaned their hearts to foster the brain, this they have in common. And mid-verse, that sweet spot in-between is where God lives inside (not out). Although sometimes seen outside strolling hand in hand with in, the heart doesn’t give in to the silly suggestions of the floozy brain. So it reasons not with that which can never produce symbiotic flow and so, in the name of rhythm, man remains forever for her and her for he–and all debates on gender die right there in that sweet spot called flow.

But the disbeliever and the believer both share the same offbeat timing. They reason in the brain that society (that is now clearly mad) is part sane and so, in such a mind, a pet fish, a caged bird or a dog are not quite slaves. While they fight to free only their own kind, society it seems is sharing a brain in the name of diversity.

We know their external needs; it’s to fit in, to belong and to make right of wrong and while at it ‘wrong of right’ and if it m­eans to be accepted as part of the bigger clan, who cares? We do, we care to remind you that Hitler only suggested the abuse, the ‘civilised’ community saw it as fit–69 million of them.

But the one who knows within is abstruse, walks alone and is odd to even those of the church that do not. She marries he who she innately loves, knowing the infinite joy of ‘pure’ love over the temporary pretence of companionship brought on by an earlier undiagnosed pain. No, she knows the discomfort of wearing two left shoes as much as she wish it be hale. She refrains from her mind presenting a sister as her mister, thoroughly induced by distain for her significant other. She also doubts she’ll make a protective mother because she couldn’t keep her own (inner) child safe from the blue monster that forced his male privilege.

Science says the abused will abuse again … some bring proof that it isn’t always so, while the knower completes the sentence for them … “even if it be thine own self that they abuse”. The knower says: those who love not themselves will ‘never’ love another and the bible: “… you pay for the sins of your fathers”. But they see not the remedy in the ‘whole vision’, just a bearable fragment that gives the blind a temporary fix, paroling the molester while enriching the surgeon’. They know the inane task of fitting the soldier’s foot in the stiletto and the mother’s foot in the steel toe; it’s her socks that are blue and not her testis. And such illusions will suffice until the truth hits harder still, maybe when one finally matures and thinks just one sovereign thought at home-alone-at night.

But those who know, live mostly in the heart and feel first before they become the victim and make those outer suggestion into an inner desire, engaging the overtaxed brain into action. The brain that takes on all forms of nonsense as true for lack of that sweet spot called ‘soul’. And all that need to placate ‘the majority’, for the lack of autonomy. And the numb (Homer Simpson) community advise her to abort ‘her’ milk supply and stick grafted pieces of skin to replicate a crane that will never fly, very much unlike one that only the supreme architect could design. But they say that ‘copying is the best form of flattery’, while replicating God’s design, who clearly does not exist. And in such absence of sensitivity, both the surgeon and the saved are paid on commission.

Meanwhile back in the hill, my aunty ‘Christ’ begs to pray for me, pray that I let Jesus save me with her holy words, barely moments after I gave the shoes off of my feet to a homeless stranger. My bare feet in the rain interpreted by her brain as ‘sinner’.

I also noticed that the very moment my goose bumps faded, after I gave the poor man my ‘lonely’ dollar, Seymour turned up to accuse my virtue.

I know that the very week that I had to bury my mother, Paul relapsed and blamed me for not supporting him in his struggle with drugs and not abandoning my own issues.

I know that minutes after my uncle’s diabetes was confirmed, Courtenay came with iced-donuts. And just as this live-thought landed on the page, Lee tempted me to come outside for a walk away from God.

Mostly these figures in their colourful all-sorts, being ‘lost at see’, miss God’s land on this defining day. To them, all is defined in the sensory where they find their reasoning, ignore signs, empathic feelings, impulses and the unseen subtleties that emphatically drive this whole damned fabric.

In a sense, it’s not their fault that they talk numbly of the paranormal and will never conceive the fact that: 99.999999 % of that which appears before them is held together by (what they would call) nothing–empty space. That sweet spot that we know too well is where they could find the harmony that they seek, if they could just slow down and listen. But they want more speed–7 G if possible.

As I maintain: I insist that my friends know God by experience and her timely perfection. If you want to know this mystery called God that evades even those who think they believe, at least first know the devil and his timing before a dissed believer gets you into another mess in the wrong place, at the wrong time. I imagine for the life of this post you may have ventured within for a brief moment but as you go back without, into the world of non-sense, maybe you’ll commit the thoughts to mind before you exit, as fade will these unverified, unpopular, yet true words.

By: Angel Levvis

Britain’s Palestine Problems

Palestinian culture emphasises Sumud ( صمود) or steadfastness in the face of hardship and injustice, a quality that has enabled Palestinians to survive an existential assault by Israel for 75 years. Throughout this period, Britain has matched the Palestinians’ Sumud with its own steadfastness in enabling Israel’s domination over the Palestinian people and land. These two Sumuds are at odds with each other, meaning Britain, across its political spectrum, has a serious Palestine problem, albeit one that is easy to solve, should the country ever decide to take up the cause of justice. 

Problem one – Refugees

The Palestinian refugee crisis is so extreme and so integral to current events in the Middle East that it requires a certain level of genius to miss it. Judging by their proclamations over recent weeks, the whole British media and political class possess this type of genius. They have managed to avoid the obvious fact that the refugee issue is the key to resolving the Middle East conflict.

It is useful to consider the refugee crisis in the context of the broader demographics of Palestine and Israel. The Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS) estimated the worldwide Palestinian population to be just over 14 million in 2021. 

The PCBS estimates that at least 5.3 million Palestinians live in the Occupied Territories (West Bank and Gaza Strip) constituting 38% of all Palestinians worldwide. Inside Israel, 1.7 million Palestinians reside, 12% of the global Palestinian population.

Over 50% of Palestinians, at least seven million people (possibly as high as nine million according to the PCBS), live in the Diaspora as refugees. Of these, Jordan hosts the largest number with 4.5 million, while 1.8 million are in other Arab countries, including Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, and the Gulf states. Around 750,000 are estimated to live in non-Arab countries, with a particularly large number in Chile.

The total global Palestinian population is notoriously difficult to calculate, but 14 million is a good conservative estimate. If translated into a state population, it would make Palestine the 75th biggest country in the world, and drop Israel one place to 99th in that list, with its population of 9.5 million (that figure includes the 1.7 million Palestinians living inside Israel who would probably claim their Palestinian citizenship given the option).

All Palestinian refugees have an inalienable right to return to their land, guaranteed under international law in UN General Assembly Resolution 194 of December 1948. Yet, with the help of Britain and other powerful allies, Israel continues to block the fulfilment of the refugees’ right of return and seeks to further diminish their presence in their homeland. As a result, many Palestinians live in appalling conditions with few rights. If the refugee crisis had started in 2023, rather than in 1948, it would shock the world and feature heavily in the news. Instead, it is largely unknown to Western news consumers.

In the Gaza Strip, most of the 2.2 million population are refugees and descendants of refugees (descendants have the same status and guaranteed right to return) from Israel’s initial ethnic cleansing of 1947-48 when Jewish terrorist gangs forced Palestinians into exile. Many in Gaza have been made refugees multiple times over by Israel’s wars against the Strip.

In the occupied West Bank, Palestinian refugees live in camps under strict military occupation, suffering daily humiliations. In Lebanon, conditions at some Palestinian camps are not fit for human habitation, and in every nearby country in which they have sought refuge, Palestinians have suffered further displacement, war, and oppression. This includes Jordan, Syria, Libya, and Iraq. Upheavals in countries across the region have frequently seen persecution of the Palestinian refugees with no state yet established to protect them.

Burj al-Barajneh Palestinian refugee camp in Beirut. Graffiti of the iconic Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem, where these refugees are unable to visit

Nahr al-Bared Palestinian refugee camp, near Tripoli, Lenanon, 2011. The camp was destroyed by the Lebanese army, displacing tens of thousands of refugees. The international community was not forthcoming with funds to reconstruct the camp

To resolve the Middle East conflict, Britain could support the fulfilment of the refugees’ right of return. This would provide justice, regional stability, and reduce the chances of regional conflict or nuclear war. With the return of the refugees, Israel’s Zionist project, which seeks to form an exclusively Jewish state in the holy land, would be defeated, and Israel would be forced to live in peace with its neighbours as a normal country instead of the garrison state it currently is. Resolving the refugee crisis would also go a long way to allaying the crisis faced by Muslims and Christians as their institutions and holy places would no longer be threatened by a colonial project that violates the sanctity of mosques and churches and abuses worshipers. Sunni Islam’s third and fourth holiest sites are in Palestine (Jerusalem and Hebron) as is the Church of the Holy Sepulchre (Jerusalem.) This barely scratches the surface of the religious significance of Palestine.

As an aside (!), it is another remarkable fact of the conflict that Britain, a Christian country with a large Muslim population, does nothing to defend the holy sites. Analysis, even passing mention, of Israel’s targeting of sacred religious places is largely absent from media and political commentary of the conflict. The day after Israel bombed a Christian hospital in Gaza, killing an estimated 500 peole, the leader of a Christian nation, US President Joe Biden, hugged Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and claimed the Palestinians had bombed themselves. Within two days, the leader of another Christian state, our own prime minister, did likewise, telling Netanyahu and the World, “We want you to win.”

If this “win” is even possible, can it be achieved without the destruction of both Islam and Christianity in Palestine? It certainly cannot be achieved without the continuation of an epic injustice against a stateless people.

Problem two – Democracy

The consensus across the political-media spectrum in Britain is that Palestine has no right to be a democracy. Like with the refugee issue, we see impressive discipline from politicians and journalists as they avoid mentioning the last Palestinian general election. Commentators incessantly tell the British people that the winner of that election, Hamas, is a terrorist group, plain and simple.

Ignorance and cowardice pervade parliament over the issue of Palestinian democracy. In 2006, Hamas won the right to form a government in the Occupied Territories. Realising that they would be sabotaged by the US and EU, Hamas formed a coalition with the defeated Fatah party. The US and EU, with Britain prominent, plotted to cancel Palestinian democracy, backing a Fatah-affiliated group to overthrow Hamas in a violent coup. Hamas, based in Gaza, but having won a higher percentage of the vote in the West Bank, got wind of the plot, pre-empted it and took control of Gaza’s institutions. This move sealed the current division of the Palestinians into two separated geographical areas. The Gaza Strip is de facto ruled by Hamas but maintained as a concentration camp by Israel. The West Bank has a Fatah government headed by Mahmoud Abbas, recognised as representative of the Palestinians by Western governments, but operating as an arm of the Israeli security forces in suppressing Palestinian dissent.

Britain, under a Labour government at the time of the election, simply pretended that Hamas hadn’t won, and continued to support Israel wholeheartedly as it repeatedly massacred Gazans and tightened its oppression and theft of land in the West Bank. Hamas generally maintained ceasefires and kept Gaza quiet, signing multiple reconciliation agreements with Fatah, but the geographical division combined with Fatah’s aversion to resistance made true unity impossible. In 2018, when Palestinian refugees marched bravely and peacefully in the spirit of Mahatma Gandhi to the Israeli border, they were massacred. Hundreds were killed and thousands injured. Britain’s support for Israel continued.

Britain and others’ refusal to deal with Hamas consigned the Palestinians to political impotence. By retaining two governments in two small, besieged territories, influential states that could potentially advocate for peace and justice are unable to do so with confidence. The result is Palestinian presence in the so-called Axis of Resistance to US domination (Iran, Syria, Hezbollah, Hamas, and perhaps Turkey and Qatar) and 17 years of political drift for the Palestinians.

The Left

Elite commentary in Britain during Israel’s current intensified ethnic cleansing of the Gaza Strip is revealing. As expected, the right generally backs Netanyahu’s violence. Parliament’s official opposition has done likewise, and the Labour Party now lacks backbenchers able to speak with conscience and clarity about Israel’s war crimes.

The British left more generally, needing to speak but with little to say about ending the conflict and providing justice to the Palestinians, has largely limited its response to calling for humanitarian aid to be allowed into Gaza and calling out racist sentiment in the media. Part of Israel’s calculation in causing mass destruction is that Westerners will quickly fall into two chattering camps: Zionists and those appalled by the violence. Both camps are kept busy as, day after day, Israel – from a safe distance – pummels the refugees of Gaza.

Many on the left lack a real grasp of the issues and history outlined above – refugees and democracy – so they perpetuate a stale old routine. There’s no mention of the refugees, or the fact that the conflict could be quickly resolved based entirely on international law and UN resolutions that Britain is a signatory to. And no mention of democracy, because that risks validating Hamas, its political wing now proscribed by the Conservative government without protest from Labour. This also means silence over the Palestinians’ right to self-defence, including by violent means.

It is as if the conflict started on October 7th and is being fought between two equal sides. Both right and left advocate a return to the pre-October status quo, a living nightmare for the Palestinians. The British left seems to only support the Palestinians on condition that they remain victims, recipients of aid and pity.

This lack of political impetus risks leaving the Palestinians no further forward than they were before they briefly broke out of their prison. It risks condemning another generation of refugees to misery and dispossession. It leaves Israel as an anachronism, unable to move towards peace while the West encourages it to covet the destruction of the Palestinians, Islam, and Christianity in the holy land. And it leaves Britain adrift, a weakening state with a political-media class that lies relentlessly to sell us a Middle East policy that is devoid of hope, mere cover for ethnic cleansing, racism and dictatorships, alongside increasingly repressive domestic policies.  

by Tom Charles @tomhcharles

photos by the writer

Labour & Kensington: Too Many Cucks?

Image from X / Keir_Starmer

Liberal fascism is trending in Britain, marked by a crackdown on dissenting voices. The Labour Party is keeping pace with the times; Sir Keir Starmer’s leadership has turned Labour into the liberal wing of a Uni-party that runs Britain in the interests of the global financial system and at the expense of the rest of us. Kensington Labour Party has succumbed, surrendering its power to a system of myopic control managed by zealots, liars, and racists. How did Kensington’s red flag fade to pinkish blue so quickly?

The Pivot: Labour’s Racism Report

Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership of Labour became associated with antisemitism in the public consciousness thanks to a determined smear campaign some of the country’s most powerful institutions waged against the anti-racist Islington MP. A leaked report details the workings of a racist, sexist, right-wing clique operating at the highest levels of Labour’s governance during the Corbyn era, collaborating to prevent the party from forming a government under the veteran socialist. Upon replacing Corbyn, Keir Starmer recruited the independent barrister Martin Forde KC to investigate the leak, asking Forde to identify the changes required within Labour to eradicate discrimination.

Having considered 1,100 submissions from party members, Forde confirmed both “overt and underlying racism and sexism” at the highest levels of the party, noting “the particular disdain which colleagues reserve for ethnic minority MPs, councillors and CLP members”. The barrister described “a hierarchy of racism or of discrimination with other forms of racism (other than antisemitism) and discrimination being ignored. For a party which seeks to be a standard bearer of progressive politics, equality and workers’ rights, this is an untenable situation.”

Forde criticised Labour’s refusal, under Starmer, to engage with Jewish Voice for Labour’s proposals for antisemitism education, reporting that Constituency Labour Parties (CLPs) had been barred from engaging with that organisation despite their obvious expertise.

Labour’s website summarises the Forde Report’s key recommendation: “The report urges the Party to treat all forms of discrimination among staff, elected officials and the wider membership with the same seriousness as incidents of antisemitism.”

David Evans, General Secretary of the party since 2020, responded to Forde by offering “a commitment to you and all other members that such a situation will not arise again and that we will tackle racist and discriminatory attitudes wherever they arise in whatever section of the party.”

Following the report, Labour created a Diversity & Inclusion Board chaired by a trans person. In 2021, the party established codes of conduct on Islamophobia, Afrophobia and anti-Black racism. Meetings were slated for early 2023 to establish a working group to consider the Forde Report. But in May this year Forde lamented the lack of action, saying his work will be rendered pointless unless the recommendations are implemented. The barrister said Labour was still prioritising antisemitism and the Me Too movement at the expense of other forms of discrimination.

Kensington Takeover

Labour and the media have largely ignored Forde’s recommendations and the problems of discrimination have become far worse than the “hierarchy of racism” the barrister described. Under Starmer, Labour has turned its back on vulnerable communities and deployed a strategy of deliberately provoking fear among Jewish communities to create moral justifications for party officials to siphon off decision-making powers from the party’s membership. In Kensington, the effect has been both surreal and chilling.

Local Candidates Removed

As we reported late last year, unelected party officials hijacked the selection process for Labour’s Kensington candidacy. First, members of the National Executive Committee barred the probable winner, former MP Emma Dent Coad, from standing on spurious grounds including having once made a joke about Prince Harry. Labour’s London Region bosses then intervened, eliminating the new favourite to win, another grassroots candidate, Kasim Ali. London Region bureaucrats then took full control of the selection process, declaring branch results without publishing vote counts.

These events passed without protest from the CLP’s members, who have not raised concerns about the process at any subsequent meetings. The usurping of party democracy in Kensington came after the publication of the Forde Report and Evans’s “commitment” to anti-racism, yet a method senior Labour officials employed to rig the Kensington selection was the manufacture of an antisemitism crisis. Out of nowhere, an email was circulated to CLP members featuring clumsy antisemitic language. The party’s London Region Director, Pearleen Sangha capitalised on the email, declaring that CLP members had been suspended and stating that there would be a “serious investigation” into antisemitism in Kensington CLP.

To remove Kasim Ali from the running, Sangha took sole control of the vote at Ali’s home branch. She summarily removed up to 20 British Somalis (the same ethnic background as Ali) from the meeting, preventing them from casting their votes. Is this a party serious about Islamophobia, Afrophobia and anti-Black racism? To date, there have been no complaints made about this incident of prima facie racial profiling at CLP meetings and we understand the CLP has not submitted a complaint to the Party’s National Executive Committee (NEC).

We wrote to London Region multiple times offering them opportunities to retract Sangha’s claims of suspensions and an investigation into antisemitism, but they stuck by her story each time. Kensington CLP officials immediately confirmed to us that there were no suspensions and no investigation, reconfirming this prior to the change in the CLP’s leadership in February. The current CLP Secretary, Monica Press, confirmed to us that there have been no suspensions or investigations relating to alleged antisemitism during her tenure.

Despite it being an established fact that Labour officials created an antisemitism hoax in Kensington, and despite what appears to be, at the very least, a case of targeted discrimination against Black, African, Muslim British-Somalis, there have been no consequences for the officials responsible or for the party as a whole. And Labour members in Kensington, apparently decent and liberal-minded, have remained mute as officials have disenfranchised their comrades. Some are dissonantly focused on the campaign to unseat Conservative MP Felicity Buchan while others fear that speaking up would mean expulsion from the party.

Affiliations Cancelled

More of the same is incoming. When Diane Abbott used clumsy language to point out the indisputable fact that anti-Black racism is far more prevalent throughout our society than antisemitism, anti-Irish, anti-traveller or anti-red head discrimination, Starmer immediately labelled her words “antisemitic.” Like Jeremy Corbyn, Abbott is no longer a Labour MP, and any semblance of left-wing presence in parliament is now in doubt in a country in which millions of people hold socialist values.

In Kensington, as with constituencies around the country, central control has increased with members’ power decreasing in direct proportion. Under Starmer Labour has amended its rules so CLP members no longer have a democratic choice over which comradely organisations they can affiliate to. We have seen an email from a London Region official to Kensington CLP stating that the CLP’s affiliate organisations must be pre-approved by the NEC, not according to a robust set of criteria, but solely based on “the opinion of the NEC”.

In emails seen by us, parliamentary candidate Joe Powell outlined the affiliation rule change to CLP officials, listing the grassroots organisations that were to be disaffiliated at the CLP’s February AGM including Palestine Solidarity Campaign; Labour Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament; Stop the War Coalition; Republic; Jewish Voice for Labour; Somalis for Labour; Sikhs for Labour; All African Women’s Group and Jeremy Corbyn’s Peace & Justice Project. A London Region official also wrote to CLP officers warning that affiliating to any of the above organisations would breach party rules.

All requests for affiliations are now considered by just two senior regional party officials, but one of them pre-empted any such requests by telling Kensington CLP to focus their resources on campaigning for their parliamentary candidate, as opposed to building a broader labour movement.  

Kensington members elected officers amenable to the Starmer project, marking a significant turnaround from 2021 when the chair Monica Press resigned from her councillor position citing factional bullying by a small group of left-wing councillors who were then dominant in the CLP. But the votes cast at the February AGM did not mark a renewal of democracy and the authoritarians continued to consolidate their grip.  

Meetings Suspended  

Labour officials have transformed Kensington from a CLP dominated by a small group of allegedly factional but elected left-wingers to one apparently under the control of unelected party bureaucrats. In July, without consulting its membership, the CLP’s executive committee announced the suspension of all branch meetings until February 2024, justified by low turnout at meetings and a need to focus on general election campaigning. In early 2024, the constituency will change its boundaries and become Kensington & Bayswater. The Executive will then decide whether to reinstate branch meetings or to continue their suspension until after the general election.

The CLP Executive also announced it has replaced All Member Meetings with bi-monthly ‘policy forums’, further reducing the ability of local members to engage in the party’s processes and influence policy. The NEC and London Region are expected to retain a close watch over proceedings.

The NEC is pursuing a rule change to reduce CLP executive committees to just six positions. Presuming their proposal is successful, this will be another significant change for Kensington which currently has 15 committee members. Roles such as Environmental Officer, Political Education Officer, Disability Officer and BAME Officer are expected to be among those to be abolished.

Local Labour activists and politicians continue to campaign on some important issues, some no doubt struggling to identify a means of organising that could replace the party’s apparatus. But these campaigns come in the context of a party that supports the World Economic Forum’s vision for our future: “You will own nothing, but you will be happy.”

Don’t Worry Be Happy

Looking from the outside at the chaos of first Emma Dent Coad and then Kasim Ali being removed from the running to be Labour’s Kensington parliamentary candidate, it seems likely that party officials were motivated by a fear that either politician might have been responsive to local demands around the economy, justice for Grenfell and an end to the Ukraine-Russia conflict, and a major component of the Starmer project is to separate decision making from popular demands. At no point has the local membership resisted the takeover by the national party, and by the time Starmer is in number ten, it will be too late for grassroots members to have any influence on Labour’s policies.

The Starmer team’s disfiguring of Labour’s internal democratic apparatus is matched by its draconian worldview. The party is marching in ideological lockstep with sweeping state repression of our rights to protest and free speech (Keir Starmer had professional involvement with the initial harassment and persecution of Julian Assange.) Starmer declared unconditional loyalty to NATO and Israel, aligning Labour’s foreign policy with the Tories’ and reversing the progress made under Corbyn.

Labour’s asphyxiated reactionary policy approach coincides with the Conservative party collapsing from within and a time when the country requires investment after 13 years of austerity. Some Kensington CLP members might believe the crackdown on party democracy is an election-winning strategy masterminded by Jeffery Epstein’s close friend Lord Mandelson. Others will see it for what it really is, part of the freezing out of workers’ concerns from parliamentary politics fortified by intense repression of free speech to demonise and proscribe dissent.

Sir Keir Starmer was more culpable than any other politician for Labour’s 2019 election catastrophe. As Shadow Brexit Secretary, he defied party leaders and pursued a disastrous policy of cancelling the democratic Leave vote. Starmer’s sabotage went unpunished because Labour was desperate to preserve a façade of unity in the face of relentless lies and attacks from the media, and political and military establishments. Starmer and his team have sought to sever the party’s connection to progressive and working-class causes. Cuckolds to war criminals like Tony Blair and the corrupt media class, Labour has moved decisively and ruthlessly to kill off pro-peace, pro-worker, anti-racist interests within its ranks. In Kensington, there has been no rage against the dying of the light.

by Tom Charles @tomhcharles