War of Indifference

Trapped – by unknown artist, Ladbroke Grove, May 2024


Kensington & Chelsea Council (RBKC) last month emailed 75 “high-profile” individuals at the Town Hall, warning them they are at “high risk” from “Nation State threat actors…actively targeting our elected representatives and individuals occupying pivotal roles within the electoral framework to undermine our democratic processes.”

Asked to name the specific threats, RBKC’s Chief Digital & Information Officer told one Councillor in an email seen by Urban Dandy that “Nation State actors will seek to affect and influence the outcome of elections this year, as well as the integrity of our operations as a public body” and claimed that the council has seen an “increased cybersecurity threat” in 2024. He did not identify any threats, name the culprits or answer the councillors’ question about who is paying for the council’s sudden security drive.

The push to put public servants on alert over international “threats” emanates from the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), a government department that is a public-facing element of Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), the Centre for Cyber Assessment, the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT-UK) and the National Protective Security Authority (NPSA).

GCHQ gives full access to the information it gathers on British citizens to its American counterparts. While ostensibly intended to shield us from malevolent foreigners, it is a rational assumption that RBKC’s security drive is part of a broader move by governments of the Collective West to extend the reach of domestic surveillance and ratchet up fear of countries that follow different, arguably more successful, economic, social and political models to ours, trapped as we are in the United States of America’s orbit.

RBKC’s “high profile” Councillors and Officers were advised to register their “personal email, messaging, and social media accounts with NCSC to get notification of signs of compromise when discovered by NCSC on the dark web.” In his response to the councillor’s questions, RBKC’s Chief Digital & Information Officer recommended they use Google Authenticator, Google Play, Microsoft Authenticator and the Apple App Store. 

The NCSC was established as part of the UK’s 2016 Cyber Security Strategy. That same year, a psychological operation now known as Russiagate was imposed on Western publics to trick them into believing Russia had decisively interfered in the American presidential election. It was a hoax aimed to generate fear and hatred of Russia. Similar psyops have been deployed to encourage hatred of China and Iran. Since October Western publics have been subjected to another hoax, the racist and genocidal lie that Palestinian resistance fighters committed atrocities against Israeli women and babies during their brief escape from their Gaza Strip concentration camp.

The entire British political-media-military-business establishment supports the destruction of the Palestinian people. Russia, China, and Iran oppose it. Google, Microsoft, and Apple are all complicit in Israel’s crimes (Google and Amazon enable death by Artificial Intelligence). In this state of confusion, those with a critical eye are inclined to be disturbed when they read spam-like emails sent on behalf of the NCSC, CERT-UK, GCHQ, NRSA and RBKC, offering them protection from crimes that haven’t yet been committed.


It was the second time this year that RBKC had raised the alarm over security threats. In February the council cancelled its annual diplomatic reception to which they had invited the genocidal Israeli ambassador, citing the need to “ensure everyone’s safety and dignity.”

Asked what the threat was, RBKC told us “We don’t comment on security matters.”

Creeping, overwhelming power

By using vague language they hope to condition us to think of their power as natural and to view our own doubts about it as dangerous or radical. Day by day, it is a form of gaslighting so profound we don’t even notice it, enforced by a parliamentary Uniparty, ruling over us behind a masquerade of democratic choice, with both wings of the party committed to eroding our rights.

The state of constant lies, deceit, delusion and collaboration is crystalised in the child-like worldview of David Lammy, the Shadow Foreign Secretary. In a recent interview with the arms industry-funded Atlantic Council, Lammy laid out Labour’s foreign policy approach, “progressive realism” which is indistinguishable from Tory foreign policy. As Lammy confirmed to the Washington Think Tank, Labour has “not sought…to be overly partisan over issues of foreign affairs and defence.”    

Lammy’s vision for our future is grim: Strengthening NATO; commitment to the “nuclear deterrent;” the “rules-based order” (not international law, for obvious reasons of Zionist self-preservation); close collaboration with Saudi Arabia and the Emirates; opposing Putin’s “tyranny;” facing the “huge challenge” China poses to our security; Lammy says Brazil, India and Turkey are “playing an outsized role in the world” but does not explain why. Be vague, do not explain, project power.

Lammy blamed Iran for the escalation of violence in the Middle East, stating that the West needs to utilise its “immense…combined strength” which he says is underpinned by the US-UK bond: “it doesn’t matter who’s in the White House or who’s in number ten, it’s a special relationship that endures.”

Lammy’s worldview is that of a distracted juvenile: the US and UK represent “the free world” at “a time of rising autocracy.” Despite his enthusiasm for constant war, the Shadow Foreign Secretary sees himself in “the centre of the political family.” He reassured the Atlantic Council that Labour will work with the incoming Trump Administration, praising Trump’s previous term for its heavy spending on NATO, its weapons sales to Ukraine and the stationing of increased numbers of American troops in Europe. This is Lammy’s centre ground; blind faith that rampant militarism proves the Americans’ transcendent “commitment to the free world.”

Lammy is a full-fledged Zionist prepared to say anything to ingratiate himself to the Transatlantic establishment; readers might recall his unhinged rant on Sky News, accusing the Palestinian Resistance of “raping babies.” 

Zionism is a mental health issue.


Lammy’s Labour has embraced the Union Jack, emblematic of the party’s prostitution to the war state. They have hollowed Labour out, removing its progressive values and solidarity with working people. The merger with the Conservative Party was confirmed in one week: on May 1st Lammy’s Atlantic Council interview and on the May 8th, right-wing Tory MP Natalie Elphick crossed the House of Commons to become a right-wing Labour MP.  


The number of Zionist false flag operations has increased dramatically as the Collective West’s key ally Israel has become bogged down in a failing invasion of Gaza, slaughtering women and children by the thousands but unable to defeat the resistance movements. On American College campuses, Zionists try and fail to provoke antisemitic hate crimes; armed police beat up defenceless protestors anyway.

In Britain, there have been similar false flag attempts. Such operations are a speciality of the Campaign Against Antisemitism (CAA). Despite its name and charity status, the CAA is a Zionist lobby group that has received funding from the Jewish National Fund (JNF), a quasi-governmental Israeli body that establishes illegal colonies on stolen Palestinian land.

The charity has lied and smeared individuals and organisations that support Palestinian rights. It has also published quack research. In 2015, they claimed 50% of British Jews believed the country had a level of antisemitism that echoed the 1930s. They claimed credit for the 2019 election defeat of Labour which led to leader Jeremy Corbyn’s resignation. CAA researcher Joe Glasman said the group had “slain” Corbyn, “the beast”.

More recently, CAA’s chief executive Gideon Falter who is also a director, trustee and vice-chair of JNF UK, carried out his own false flag in central London, attempting to provoke an incident at a peace march. The CAA then edited the video, securing blanket media coverage and support.

In an appearance on Sky News with Director of Palestine Solidarity Campaign, Ben Jamal, Faltar was granted editorial power. Confronted with his own lies, Falter told the presenter, “I don’t want to continue having a conversation with Ben Jamal.” Sky obliged by removing the truth teller.

All this detail provides some context for the mysterious appearance of some curiously worded graffiti in North Kensington in December, just as Israel’s public credibility was suffering a genocide-related slump.

RBKC removed the graffiti, unfortunately without a criminal investigation. Whether it was a false flag or the real deal, we know that the Campaign Against Antisemitism needs a steady stream of antisemitism to justify its existence and to enable it to continue towards its true Zionist goal of total ethnic cleansing.

Another Zionist lobby group, the Jewish Labour Movement, was re-founded in 2015 with the aim of removing Corbyn from the party’s leadership. The group actively worked against Labour and also took credit (they “saw him off”) when the Tories won in 2019. This lobby group was active in North Kensington this month, canvassing for Labour’s local candidate, Joe Powell. If any politician thinks they have secured the Zionist lobby’s support by toeing the line over the Gaza genocide, they will be in for a rude awakening if they ever stray from a pro-Zionist line.


When Israel began its genocide in October, our media stepped up reflexively to support Benyamin Netanyahu’s slaughter of the human beings he refers to as Amalek.

As with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine 18 months earlier, journalists fed the public a narrative of a barbaric enemy versus Western liberals. As with Ukraine, Israel is not in the West, but we are made to think of it that way with its football teams in UEFA and its singers in Eurovision. Most spokespeople for Israel have accents from the Anglosphere – Britain, USA, Australia, South Africa – reflecting its European colonial character, attitudes, and policies.

Like Ukraine, Israel is a tool of Western policymakers. Russia’s illegal invasion made life easy for Western elites to push war, but the Palestinian situation is trickier, with Palestinians being the West’s victim since the 1940s. Western journalists have fabricated, exaggerated, and amplified stories about the barbarism of the resistance factions to manufacture consent for genocide.

Forensically debunked by serious journalists, the grotesque lies – mass rape, beheaded babies etc – continue to be repeated by those who serve power not people, ensuring that armed resistance to Israel – an enshrined right of the Palestinians under UN General Assembly Resolution 3246 – is now synonymous with the most depraved crimes. The parroting of propaganda by Uniparty hacks has had a chilling effect, meaning that while citizens can sometimes protest genocide, they are unable to support the resistance. The British government proscribed Hamas in 2021, threatening up to a decade in prison for anybody expressing support for the last democratically elected government of Palestine (2006, a fair election that was undone by a coalition including the CIA, UK, Israel and the quisling Palestinian Authority).


The psyop of the Ukraine war worked perfectly on the liberals and others who displayed the yellow and blue flag in support of the victims in Keeev, but who ultimately formed the basis of support for the war itself because diplomacy with Russia was made a profanity. Indifferent to the nuances, the anti-Russia liberal class created many more victims, taking Ukraine to the brink of collapse.

The October 7th psyop has worked too, not in generating support for the government of the fugitive-from-the-law Netanyahu, but in generating a confused silence amid the genocide among the liberals and right-wingers whose values shift depending on the ethnicity of the corpses. Just as their support for Ukraine went quiet as 500,000 Ukrainian soldiers were sacrificed for no gain, they are mute on Palestine because of the lazy association they now make between Arabs and rape and child murder.  

At the elite political level, support for Britain’s war policy in Ukraine was comprehensive. But there is little elite support for the Palestinians. For mainstream politicians in the major parties, criticism of Israel is watered down and always accompanied with the caveat of condemning Hamas for October 7th.

It seems probable that most Israeli civilians killed on October 7th were killed by the Israeli army, fulfilling the Hannibal Directive in which Israel prefers to kill its own citizens rather than negotiate their release.


When Britain started bombing Yemen following that country’s humanitarian intervention over Gaza, the apathy and indifference were deafening. The same Uniparty names that cheered for the arming of Ukraine in parliament responded to the UK’s attacks on Yemen with a mix broad support, ignorance and indifference.

The racism and hypocrisy are profound. Acquiescing to Western-Israeli domination of the Middle East is a Pavlov’s dog response. Some of these politicians subordinate their own electoral self-preservation to the genocidal appetites of Zionism. Even as South Africa provided us with a litany of murderous statements (p.59 onwards in the submission to the International Court of Justice) by Israeli officials and the lies about October 7th can be found to be untrue by anybody willing to look.

Meanwhile, the UK has said it will stand by Ukraine “until the end” which really means the end of Ukraine as a viable state. The basket case that replaces Ukraine will be recipient of British military funding for as long at is useful for provoking Russia.

Coalition Government

This is an impressive spectrum of conflict for Britain, which relies entirely on the United States for protection against those who have legitimate cause to want to take us down a few notches. This Forever War could not have been foisted on us without the covert formation of a coalition government in 2020 when Sir Keir Starmer was elected as Labour leader. Starmer was called into the cabinet meeting ahead of the illegal attacks on Yemen. The Tories knew that Starmer would not object, just as he doesn’t object to the impoverishment of the British people, the criminalization of journalism, or any other top-down approach to government.

The Forever War is sustained by mass indifference. It accompanies the permanant squeeze on household spending power. Those in Parliament represent corporate interests and are the implacable enemy of most of the population. A large chunk of Labour’s former voting base – those most likely to question insane policies – is no longer considered a relevant part of the electorate by the Uniparty or the media. This elevates the importance of those in middle-to-high income brackets, who are more likely to be liberal and far easier to confuse and misdirect.

Young people overwhelmingly voted for Labour in 2017 and 2019, renters versus property owners. The Tories’ support base is literally dying off as home ownership becomes an niche elite activity. To avoid Labour responding rationally to the social democratic majority of the population, the parties needed to merge. This was accomplished by Starmer who shifted the Overton Window away from any force that would question the state’s obsession with war.

Starmer on Yemen’s humanitarian intervention against genocide: “Like the Prime Minister, I totally reject the Houthi claims that attacking ships from around the world is somehow linked to the conflict in Gaza. These attacks do absolutely nothing for the Palestinian people. What is needed in Gaza is a humanitarian truce now, a sustainable ceasefire to stop the killing of innocent civilians, space for the return of all hostages, urgent humanitarian relief and a decisive step towards a two-state solution.”

This is politics aimed at those who benefited from the Covid measures, the managerial class that has stayed indifferent to injustice and hope to benefit from widening extremes of poverty and wealth. Socially liberal and economically conservative, they deride or deplatform anybody with an adversarial view of the Guardian-Times status quo, using the same tactic (lies) employed by Lammy, Biden and the rest with their fantasy October 7th atrocities. The professional managerial class lives by a belief in rules and regulations, giving them the illusion of a rational, functioning system. This is what David Graeber called “proceduralism” – that if something is mainstreamed, it must be okay.

Majority interests like housing justice, protecting the climate and ending war are not on the agenda in the House of Commons and the constituency that might force these issues into the public consciousness cannot impact the highest echelons of power while there is Uniparty consensus.

Genocidal Tour of London

An economy built on capital, property construction, and public relations has corruption built-in. Public relations (the PR term for propaganda) has manifested a generation of socially respectable liars in London; they judge everything by how well-presented the lie is and luxuriate in complacency and indifference.

With propaganda a credible and lucrative career option, Ukraine and Israel’s white, European populations have been sufficient to secure the support (Ukraine) and indifference (Israel) of the social groups that matter for the Uniparty as other demographics are side-lined in time for the election. The merger of state, PR industry and journalism means that fabrications like the ‘Hamas rape’, ‘beheaded babies’ stories or the equally perverse ‘Ukraine counteroffensive’ are ubiquitous and not to questioned in polite society.

Who’s afraid of the Zionist war lobby? Walk around upscale Queens Park, West London’s epicentre of manufactured indifference – racist stereotypes believed, proceduralism, career liars in PR, status signallers – the sight of a keffiyeh is enough for a moment of panic at the picnic. 

Head east, Queens Park turns into Kilburn, or ‘Outer Queens Park’ as the estate agents have renamed it. Here, as in North Kensington, support for the victims causes no alarm. But as you reach Hampstead and Camden there’s an increase in pro-Israel sentiment, with stickers like these to astroturf some grassroots support for colonialism and genocide.

Translation: “Fck the women and children of Palestine, kill them all”

Indifference expands and contracts across the A-Z depending on whether a neighbourhood is fashionable (preponderance of procedural professionals) or not. Wherever you are, if somebody wants to say the word Israel, they glance left, glance right, lean in, cup their hand and lower their voice. Such is the state of fear.

Everybody knows the game. But we can change the rules if we shake off our indifference.

by tom charles @tomhcharles

How Kensington Labour Went Pro-Israel, Pro-Genocide

Kensington Labour Party finally released a statement calling for a ceasefire in Palestine, over three weeks after local councillors wrote a first draft, and only after the criminal government of Binyamin Netanyahu had agreed to a temporary truce. Multiple Labour councillors have told Urban Dandy that interventions from local and regional Labour officials delayed the release of the statement and ensured the local party did not contradict and embarrass Labour leader Keir Starmer and Shadow Foreign Secretary David Lammy who have backed Israel’s genocide in the Gaza Strip. We have obtained the Kensington councillors’ original statement, which bears little resemblance to the published version, adding to the evidence of a crackdown on internal democracy and a prioritisation of Israeli government interests under Starmer. 

Original Statement

The original statement drafted by the Kensington Labour councillors was ready for publication on 7th November. In contrast with the version published three weeks later, the original is clear that Israel is responsible for the genocide it is carrying out. This put the Kensington group of councillors in alignment with international law as Israel has no right to use violence against a population that it occupies. Continue reading “How Kensington Labour Went Pro-Israel, Pro-Genocide”

Kensington Labour Refusing to Oppose Israel’s Genocide

For well over a month, Israel’s destruction of life in the Gaza Strip has been supported by much of the political elite in Britain using a new phrase in the war lexicon: “humanitarian pause.” It is the language of cowardice, propaganda, and fascism, used to buy time for Netanyahu’s slaughter of a defenceless population, and his ethnic cleansing of Gaza.


A local Labour member recently sent Kensington & Bayswater Constituency Labour Party (CLP) a petition calling for an immediate ceasefire in Israel’s assault. In their email, which they also shared with Urban Dandy, the constituent pointed out that, in knowingly supporting Israel’s deliberate targeting of civilians, Britain is failing to meet its obligations under international law. But in her reply, CLP Chair Monica Press snubbed the call for a ceasefire, stating that “a humanitarian pause is more achievable”.    

Press’s stated reason for rejecting the call was that “neither Hamas or Israel will consider” a ceasefire. This is false, as Hamas has offered the return of hostages to Israel in exchange for a ceasefire. Israel rejected Hamas’s proposal.

Press drew further false equivalence between the two, saying that both Hamas and Israel are “authoritarian and extreme” governments that “endanger their own populations.” Yet there is a consensus among Palestinians in favour of resistance to the occupation as a means of liberation after decades of one-sided Western diplomacy that served as a cover for Israel to steal more land and imprison millions of people in the Gaza concentration camp. Israel has endangered its population by choosing expansion over peace.


Instead of demanding political change and the upholding of international law, the leadership of Kensington Labour asked local party members to make charitable donations that can be delivered to Gaza, during a “pause” in the killing. Judging by the absence of any statement to the contrary, this preference for charity is supported by the Labour group of councillors at Kensington Town Hall.

The CLP’s charity appeal has apparently raised £150 for the Palestinians so far. 

In her response to the party member, Monica Press stated that the CLP needs to “show and be seen to show our concerns.” But the CLP’s only real concern has been ingratiating itself to the Starmer regime, who in turn are busy doing likewise with the Israel lobby.

The CLP seems to have judged that Palestinian life is not worth the expenditure of any political capital. Like the leaders of the national Labour Party, the CLP will not oppose Israel’s industrial-scale murder. They would just like them to pause for a few hours so the victims can have something to eat before the genocide resumes.

by Tom Charles @tomhcharles