Kensington Labour Refusing to Oppose Israel’s Genocide

For well over a month, Israel’s destruction of life in the Gaza Strip has been supported by much of the political elite in Britain using a new phrase in the war lexicon: “humanitarian pause.” It is the language of cowardice, propaganda, and fascism, used to buy time for Netanyahu’s slaughter of a defenceless population, and his ethnic cleansing of Gaza.


A local Labour member recently sent Kensington & Bayswater Constituency Labour Party (CLP) a petition calling for an immediate ceasefire in Israel’s assault. In their email, which they also shared with Urban Dandy, the constituent pointed out that, in knowingly supporting Israel’s deliberate targeting of civilians, Britain is failing to meet its obligations under international law. But in her reply, CLP Chair Monica Press snubbed the call for a ceasefire, stating that “a humanitarian pause is more achievable”.    

Press’s stated reason for rejecting the call was that “neither Hamas or Israel will consider” a ceasefire. This is false, as Hamas has offered the return of hostages to Israel in exchange for a ceasefire. Israel rejected Hamas’s proposal.

Press drew further false equivalence between the two, saying that both Hamas and Israel are “authoritarian and extreme” governments that “endanger their own populations.” Yet there is a consensus among Palestinians in favour of resistance to the occupation as a means of liberation after decades of one-sided Western diplomacy that served as a cover for Israel to steal more land and imprison millions of people in the Gaza concentration camp. Israel has endangered its population by choosing expansion over peace.


Instead of demanding political change and the upholding of international law, the leadership of Kensington Labour asked local party members to make charitable donations that can be delivered to Gaza, during a “pause” in the killing. Judging by the absence of any statement to the contrary, this preference for charity is supported by the Labour group of councillors at Kensington Town Hall.

The CLP’s charity appeal has apparently raised £150 for the Palestinians so far. 

In her response to the party member, Monica Press stated that the CLP needs to “show and be seen to show our concerns.” But the CLP’s only real concern has been ingratiating itself to the Starmer regime, who in turn are busy doing likewise with the Israel lobby.

The CLP seems to have judged that Palestinian life is not worth the expenditure of any political capital. Like the leaders of the national Labour Party, the CLP will not oppose Israel’s industrial-scale murder. They would just like them to pause for a few hours so the victims can have something to eat before the genocide resumes.

by Tom Charles @tomhcharles

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